The ONE MINUTE WITNESS tool makes it fun and easy to share your story. All of us have a story, and we all can share it. After learning and applying this ONE MINUTE WITNESS tool, a Pastor said, "To think I have wasted all these years by not sharing my faith. Now I can do it daily with confidence." And so can you!
“ME, share my faith?” Yes, God has chosen you and me to be His ambassadors, His voice, His beating heart. Why? Because there is no better advertisement for His life-changing love than His children!
Aren't you glad someone shared their faith with you? If Jesus is the answer, shouldn't we be actively sharing His solutions with others in this broken world?

Host a training at your church. Request info today at info@oasiswm.org.

Robert Bilda - Haiti
“God did great things in Haiti through 5-Star Evangelism. Before ONE MINUTE WITNESS, many pastors didn’t share their faith with others. Now you can see the pastors training people, the people sharing their faith. It’s something that’s happening for the first time in the life of a Christian in Haiti, sharing their faith everyday.”
Learn to share your faith easily as you watch this video!


Children's Booklet!

Hear the Stories
“I never thought Evangelism could be this easy.”
“This is a powerful tool that can be used mightily.”
“I have never seen anything like One Minute Witness.”
What People Are Saying…
"I have been using “One Minute Witness” to testify about Jesus our Lord, and let me tell you that a week ago I used OMW and shared the Gospel with a lady who, with tears in her eyes, prayed to give her heart to Jesus. I am doing that almost every day, few days ago I talk to 10 people in a bus stop…” - Luis Gutierrez
“I have already talked with over 150 people and as for today about 20 have already received Christ. I thank God for this tool that Oasis World Ministries bring to us in Haiti.” - Sister Judith Pierre Louis
“Praise God now I have a tool. I have already prayed with 34 people who made a decision. Now I can say that I am an Evangelist.” — Brother Eddy
Ruokuo said, "It's so thrilling to share my witness for Jesus by using the One-Minute Witness booklet. During November and December 2009, by the grace of God, I shared my story to 150 young people in three different Bible seminaries in Dimapur, Northern India. Now in 2010 I have gotten invitations from two Bible colleges to teach the One-Minute Witness. I am so excited to share my faith daily, any where, any place, and any time."
We ALL can do this. We ALL have a story, and this One-Minute Witness tool makes it fun and easy. After learning and applying this One-Minute Witness tool, a pastor said, "To think I have wasted all these years by not sharing my faith. Now I can do it with confidence."
The Salvation Poem
“Jesus, You died upon a cross
And rose again to save the lost
Forgive me now of all my sin
Come be my Savior, Lord, and Friend
Change my life and make it new
And help me, Lord, to live for You”
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6254 Douglas Court N.
Champlin, MN